Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Top Ten Tuesday 9

For today's Top Ten post, I thought it would be fun to post different pictures and have you all vote on your favorite. So here they are, along with titles. A lot of you may have seen these images already due to the fact that I have already shared a lot of these; hopefully, I'm not being too redundant. Just pretend that I'm not. :)

1. Bee Happy

2. Sophia

3. What?

4. When a Woman Loves a Fishy

5. Three Pink Buddies

6. The Famous "Lime" Picture

7. Chicago Lights

8. Sailing Boys

9. Lola (How could I not include one of these?)

10. Domniq


scott said...

the kids are cute, but i'm a sucker for the big city lights so i'm going to have to go with 7.

ema said...

The kids pics were adorable!
And both of the flowers were beautiful.
But my favorite would have to be the lime pic.

Priscilla said...

Oh dear! It's so hard to choose! How can you choose between babies and limes? They need to be in totally different Tuesday top tens. Oh I guess Lola. I'm a sucker for babies...which is why I feed the need in our church nursury..otherwise I might of kept having them!

So #9.

jw said...

sailing boys (a little risque though)

honestly, city lights

Hey, just wondering, is the T house dying easter eggs this year?

Anonymous said...

hmmm.....that is really tuff....u r a very talented girl taryn....i think i am going to have to go with the fishy one. i think that one stood out the best for me. i did love the city one though..looked professional. and i also loved the What?! great job! love ya

Luke said...

7 Chicago lights. For Shizzle

Ryan said...

I'm also a sucker for the city, but if I had frame one of these pics and put it on the wall, I'd go with the lime pic. There's just something about its simplicity. Good stuff.

sarah said...

Definitely the Chicago lights.

natz said...

Well... since everybody is voting for lights or lime, I think I'm gonna go with #8, the sailing boys. JUST because they haven't gotten any votes.

Yeah... that's the only reason. :)

Anonymous said...

I feel obligated to vote for the fishy picture since I am in it. And I also like the lights one too. I LOVE Chigaco and that picture is amazing!