Wednesday, October 24, 2007

October Daze

This post is just proof that I am not completely lost to the blogger world. *smile.*

Or, at least, proof that I LOVE to write, and since this has seemingly taken over my "journaling" time, I am destined to return. At times, when it has been awhile, I crave writing... it is almost like food to my soul. Every time that I can sit down and let words pour out of my mind, it is therapy. I have a very monotonous job during the day, and I sit for nearly 10 hours each day. I find my mind wondering in and out of stories, ideas, conversations, and potential blog posts. :) Sadly, most of the time, none of these brilliancies take place. They just float around in my mind, and get shoved down to the bottom of my brain when I get home from work at 6 p.m. and am forced to fly through what little time that I have to eat supper and catch up on my home life.

This post will be categorized into topical sections because at this point, I see no other way to organize my wandering mind. Even now, I sit on my bedroom floor, leaning against my chair, legs crossed, spooning 31 Flavors chocolate-peanut butter + mint chocolate chip ice cream into my mouth... when I SHOULD be rushing around, picking up the scattered bags, folders, and pictures that litter my purple space. I am in the process of moving my "office work," including Two Peas in a Palette records, projects, and personal financials and to a newly created office space in the basement. Two Peas in a Palette plus "Taryn's new abode" has now arrived. It is located in the lower level of our house, easy for customers to access if they want to pick up their box of Christmas cards or pictures. It consists of a big, white-washed desk, a new black leather computer chair (just purchased tonight!), and another small piece of furniture that holds supplies. And, of course, pictures and sparkles and color. Anyway, I have already gone off on a tangent that CLEARLY should have been put into a topical section, but in my need to just keeping going, I'm going to wrap here and start the topics.

Don't worry. I still LOVE to research, talk about, and think about personality. I find it so very important in my life. I don't know why, and quite honestly, I don't really remember when the feddish began. All that I do know,is that it has revolutionized how I look at my life and my relationships. This is still my favorite website concerning personality types. Anyone else who takes the time to take a personality test in the Myers-Briggs realm or has any comments to make concerning this info, let me know! I love to discuss.

Still working at the publishing place in Peoria. I like what I do, yet as I mentioned, it can get monotonous. I am definitely still on the search for something else. My dad does a great job at keeping my connected with Caterpillar and all its many contacts. If I had a choice, I'd love to end up there. It's a great company, and I enjoyed my experience as an intern. Also, am looking at other local businesses, companies, agencies, and design firms around the area. If anyone happens to hear anything, let me know... :)

Tillie Sue is the newest cute little addition to our family. I'll post pictures soon, but not tonight. I have a lot of cute ones of the kids, so maybe I'll do one of each in the next couple of days. Gab, if you're readying-- maybe even a Top Ten mixed in. :) Anyway, I love spending time with my family. We are celebrating Tonya's 33rd bday this coming Tuesday, so that should be fun. The flu bug has gone through Tasha's whole family (she, of course, had to go to the hospital... her poor body cannot really deal with it, especially when she's pregnant. She was ok after an IV... she tends to go downhill fast when she gets the flu) and now Tate. Hopefully it stops there in that family because I doubt Melissa has time for such a sickness with her two little ones. I just passed up a flu shot at work yesterday. No thanks, I said. I don't do needles very well, especially in front of others. Actually, every time I have to get bloodwork done, nurses always say my veins are small, and the last time, it was so very painful so I would rather not invite an opportunity for that. Also, I heard that sometimes you can get sick from those? Who knows. Hopefully I'll stay healthy. When I first started working at my new job, everyone in my little office space was getting sick, so I took Airborne one morning. Well, I didn't really know how many vitamins and nutrients were packed into those little dissolvable pills, so I kept taking them every morning for a couple weeks until my medically minded friends told me that it's not good to overdose on vitamins, even if it is "good" for you. Hilarious. I probably had dangerously high amounts inside of my body. I'm clueless when it comes to stuff like that. It's why I'm in the design field. I'm just glad we have doctors out there. Needless to say, I've made it this far into the season pretty healthy... I'll write back tomorrow when I'm home sick, *knock on wood*.

Ok, sorry, the "family" section turned into a tangent. Ugh. I'm bad at this topic stuff.

My best one is getting married on December 2. So weird! It's fun, though. That makes 3 Morton weddings in about a 2 month period. I love weddings. They make me so happy. I think some people get sick of them but not me. I could go to a wedding every Sunday. There are just so many people, and everyone there is special to someone, and all of the pictures and happiness and food... it's just great. Kristi is doing this 8-week wedding thing beautifully-- it's a good thing she's a pretty quick decision-maker.

Heather and I take walks every once in awhile together in the evenings. It's so nice, we'll just walk and talk really fast (both). Also, Heather, Gab, and I had a little Starbucks session the other night, and that was delightful. It's nice to be back home and catch up with some home friends. I've now officially entered the 'working and singles' group, and that's kind of scary.

So I go back to ISU Bible Study as much as possible on Thursday nights :) I just LOVE all my ISU friends. I miss them so much, and it's nice to see them when I can. I have so many special friendships to keep up between room mates, friends, and college buddies. I just went to college weekend this past weekend, and it was so neat to see everyone. I stayed overnight with a couple of old room mates and it made me want to move back in to the college scene. :) Late night talks, early morning coffee, and lots of laughs. That's the life!

College weekend was so amazing. I am always blessed by how great God is, and how His Spirit can work in so many great individuals in such different ways. I heard a lot of great messages, and even though I am an ISU "alum," I felt like I needed to hear all of it. So applicable. Also, I sang with the ISU group during the evening program, and I did not feel a bit out of place. I love it!

Really... if you could see my bedroom floor, you'd know why I'm leaving. Glad to be back... hopefully I'll STAY back... I'm going to post pictures soon! Love you all!


Thursday, October 11, 2007

Fall Update :)

So, it has been entirely too long since I have posted... but it's never too late for an update.

What's New...

1. In August, my mom started selling some of her fun little baby items from her Sutsie Pie line in Washington. There is a store on the square called "Holiday Presence," which sells cute gifts and holiday treasures. It is quite a big store, and in the back, there are some spaces rented out by others who wish to sell merchandise on their own. This makes it more of a "botique."

My mom, in all of her endless creativity, sells hankies dresses, blankets, rag tags, and then additionally, her Feed on the Word dishes, and on top of that, a bunch of fun trinkets that she has obtained wholesale from many different catalogs. It has been quite the fun advernture. I have spent a few different times now sitting Indian style on the wooden floor of this store, using a pricing gun to stick a "$14.99" sticker on a snowman figurine, or sparkly ornament, or glittery candle. It is a plethora of color and fun, so stop by if you get the chance!

I also put together some of my flower photography in the form of framed wall photography + cards that I sell. Those are also displayed for sale in her space. Very fun times!

2. Work... I started a job in August at a publishing company in Peoria. I do mostly layout, typesetting, photo editing, etc. It is very fast-paced and fun, and each week brings something different. In fact, some weeks, I get Fridays off (because we work 10-hour days, so by Thursday, our 40 hours are in!) and other weeks I'm there form 7 am-7 pm and on Saturdays, too. It just depends on how busy we are. The fluctuating schedule keeps me on my toes, but I must say, I had a 4-day weekend last week, and it was NICE.

3. My best friend is getting married. SO exciting! A moment we have all been waiting for. It's a crazy 8-week engagement, but I must say-- it will be a very fun wedding!

4. God's Miraculous Moments... here's a little story I'll share. My parents were in Kiawa, Kansas this past weekend visitng some relatives. They were driving back home all day Monday (it's quite the road trip.) Just as a preface, last Wed. night in church, I heard an amazing sermon on "When bad things happen to good people." It was great, but I found myself thinking-- hmm, I've had it REALLY pretty good. It made me wonder if I would develop a seriously bad illness, or if I would drive home and find my house in a pile of ashes, or if I may see road kill on my way home only to find out it was my pet cat. Needless to say, my life continued on very nicely. Then, on Monday morning, I was listening to 88.5 on my way to work. Michael Easily is always on at 6:30, and his message that morning was, "How do we know God loves us when bad things happen? We often measure God's love based on our experiences rather than on what He did for us." It got me thinking again about how blessed I have been in my life.

Immediately, my mind went to the only area of danger it could at that moment-- my parents driving home on their 14 hour drive. I prayed for them right then and there, and made it a point to do so periodically throughout the day as I thought of them.

At about 4 p.m., my sister called me to inform me that my parents had hit a deer.

By God's grace, my parents were perfectly ok. My dad did not see this deer at all and yelled right before he hit it. My mom said she was working on a bible study and looked up just to see his hoofs flying in the air. He got caught and then flew off really quick, damaging a good portion of the front of our Tahoe. However, the amazing beauty of this story is that no one was injured.

I have to thank the good Lord for prompting me to pray that day. Obviously, this situation called for thoughts sent heaveward for safety and love. My sister also mentioned that she felt a prompting to pray that day. God works in mysterious, miraculous ways!

5. I am going to Chicago tomorrow! About 4 years ago, a group of us girls from Morton who are really good friends took a shopping trip to Chicago in the Fall time and had such a great time. Ever since then, we have continued to make it our tradition every Fall. This weekend is the lucky weekend. I can't wait to have some fun with friends, strolling the crisp, lit-up streets of Chicago with Starbucks in hand, scoping out all of the great sales and trying not to spend too mcuh money on food (this seems to be a problem area for us! One year, we joked that we spent more money on food than on clothes!)

Love you all! Thanks for reading... if you still stop by! I'll update more often... T